Introduction to the course:
The RYA Powerboat Advance course is aimed at those looking to navigate safely by day and night and looking to gain their RYA Certificate of Competency (COC) / Commercial Endorsement.
Those working towards their COC will need a valid: First Aid Certificate, VHF Licence. For the Commercial endorsement in addition to First and and VHF you will also need: PPR (Personal, Professional, Responsibilities) course completion certificate, Sea Survival and a valid medical.
Do I need previous experience?
Candidates should be competent to the RYA intermediate course syllabus. The candidate should have Navigation and chart work to the level of Coastal Skipper/RYA Yachtmaster Shorebased certificate.
What will I Learn?
The advanced powerboat course is designed to enable you to plan and execute passages by night.
Other Information
Minimum Age: 17
We supply:
Full set of Henry & Lloyd Waterproofs
Automatic Crew Saver Lifejackets
Tea, Coffee & Biscuits
RYA Training Manual
Paper & Pen
ICC Application Form